Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.
Cod, as well as coalfish, are the most common fish species throughout the year.
Dorsz, jak również czarniak, są najbardziej wspólnym gatunkiem rybnym przez cały rok.
Coalfish is a specialty of the area.
Czarniak jest specjalnością obszaru.
Worm baits picked up a few small coalfish, codling and whiting.
Przynęty robaka podniosły kilka małych czarniaków, dorsza i witlinka.
Whiting, coalfish and a few dabs to worm.
Witlinek, czarniak i kilka odrobin do robaka.
Mull of Galloway rock marks for dogfish, small codling and coalfish.
Grzać z korzeniami z Galloway kamień plami się dla rekinka, małego dorsza i czarniaka.
Sportfishing for cod, coalfish, and halibut is popular here.
Sportfishing dla dorsza, czarniak, i halibut cieszy się popularnością tu.
They include pollack, wrasse, coalfish, dogfish, bass, flounder and others.
Oni obejmują rdzawca, wargacza, czarniaka, rekinka, bas, stornia i in..
Portpatrick rock marks gave occasional codling but mostly small coalfish and pollack.
Portpatrick ślady rockowe dały sporadycznego dorsza ale głównie małego czarniaka i rdzawca.
Early in the day, the party took 90 ling to 15 lbs, 50 pollack to 11 lbs and quantities of coalfish.
Wczesny za dzień, partia wzięła 90 wrzosów zwyczajnych 15 funtom, 50 rdzawcom do 11 funtów i ilościom czarniaka.
Cambois North Hole for cod to 6 lb and a few coalfish on frozen crab.
Cambois Północ Dziura dla dorsza aby 6 funt i kilka czarniaków na zamarzniętym krabie.
Sunderland's Roker Pier produced odd codling, and a few coalfish.
Roker Sunderland Pomost wyprodukował dziwnego dorsza, i kilka czarniaków.
Sei is the Norwegian word for pollock, also referred to as coalfish, a close relative of codfish.
Sei jest norweskim słowem dla rdzawca, również odnieść się jako czarniak, blisko względny z dorsza.
Year-round, they bring in plaice, coalfish (known as "bloggan") and wrasse.
Rok-naokoło, oni przynoszą gładzicę, czarniak (znany jak "bloggan") i wargacz.
Today mainly mackerel, Atlantic cod, whiting, coalfish, European plaice, and sole are caught.
Dziś głównie makrela, dorsz, witlinek, czarniak, europejska gładzica, i podeszwy są złapane.
Fishing was very good with the group taking 75 ling to 18 lbs, 30 pollack to 11 lbs and numbers of coalfish to 8 lbs.
Rybołówstwo było bardzo dobre z grupą biorącą 75 wrzosów zwyczajnych 18 funtom, 30 rdzawcom do 11 funtów i liczbom czarniaka do 8 funtów.
In addition to cod, coalfish, haddock, herring, wolf fish and halibut are all common along the coast and in the fjords.
Oprócz dorsza, czarniaka, plamiaka, śledź, wilk ryba i halibut są wszystkim wspólny wzdłuż wybrzeża i w fiordach.
The island is also an ideal spot for fishing, with Pollock, Coalfish, Wrasse and Mackerel being caught.
Wyspa jest również idealnym miejscem dla rybołówstwa, z Rdzawcem, Czarniakiem, wargaczem i łapaną Makrelą.
Wildlife includes fresh water fish (trout, salmon), sea fish (cod, coalfish, crustacean), grouse, and moose.
Fauna i flora obejmuje słodką wodę ryba (pstrąg, łosoś), ryba morska (dorsz, czarniak, skorupiak), szkocka kuropatwa, i łoś.
Other names include the Boston blues (separate from bluefish), coalfish (or coley) and saithe in the UK.
Inne imiona obejmują Boston niebiescy (oddzielny z tasergal), czarniak (albo czarniak) i czarniak w Zjednoczonym Królestwie.
Sergeant S. Wallace and Marine R. Ewart in canoe Coalfish.
Sierżant S. Wallace i Marine R. Ewart w kajaku Czarniak.
Coalie - A coalfish, (specifically P. Virens).
Coalie - czarniak, (wyraźnie P. Virens).
The Arasvikfjorden is known for its fishery of cod, coalfish, pollock, mackerel, common ling, tusk, catfish, and several types of flatfish.
Arasvikfjorden wiadomo dla swojego łowiska dorsza, czarniaka, rdzawca, makreli, pospolitego wrzosu zwyczajnego, kieł, sum, i kilka typów płastugi.
One evening, codfish was substituted for coalfish (or hake), roasted and served with a basil sauce and ratatouille garnished with deep-fried leeks.
Jeden wieczór, dorsz został zastąpiony czarniakiem (albo morszczuk), upieczony i podany z sosem bazylii i ratatouille przybranym porami smażonymi w głębokim tłuszczu.
The Lough Swilly anglers took several hundred coalfish to 10lbs, six ling to 10lbs and 500lbs of pollack including Angela's specimen.
Jezioro Swilly wędkarze wzięli kilka czarniaków sto 10 funtom, sześciu wrzosom zwyczajnym do 10 funtów i 500 funtom rdzawca w tym okaz Angeli.
Saltstraumen has the world record for coalfish using a fishing rod, and Røst has the world record for halibut, 202 kg ([8]).
Saltstraumen ma rekord świata dla czarniaka używającego wędki, i R?st ma rekord świata dla halibuta, 202 kg ([8]).
Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Cod, as well as coalfish, are the most common fish species throughout the year.
Worm baits picked up a few small coalfish, codling and whiting.
Sportfishing for cod, coalfish, and halibut is popular here.
Good coalfish available at many places.
Portpatrick rock marks gave occasional codling but mostly small coalfish and pollack.
Whiting, coalfish and a few dabs to worm.
Mull of Galloway rock marks for dogfish, small codling and coalfish.
Cambois North Hole for cod to 6 lb and a few coalfish on frozen crab.
Sei is the Norwegian word for pollock, also referred to as coalfish, a close relative of codfish.
Year-round, they bring in plaice, coalfish (known as "bloggan") and wrasse.
They include pollack, wrasse, coalfish, dogfish, bass, flounder and others.
Sunderland's Roker Pier produced odd codling, and a few coalfish.
Today mainly mackerel, Atlantic cod, whiting, coalfish, European plaice, and sole are caught.
Very little from Portland rock marks with the exception of Church Ope cove where odd cod and coalfish landed.
The island is also an ideal spot for fishing, with Pollock, Coalfish, Wrasse and Mackerel being caught.
Other names include the Boston blues (separate from bluefish), coalfish (or coley) and saithe in the UK.
In addition to cod, coalfish, haddock, herring, wolf fish and halibut are all common along the coast and in the fjords.
Sergeant S. Wallace and Marine R. Ewart in canoe Coalfish.
Wildlife includes fresh water fish (trout, salmon), sea fish (cod, coalfish, crustacean), grouse, and moose.
The Arasvikfjorden is known for its fishery of cod, coalfish, pollock, mackerel, common ling, tusk, catfish, and several types of flatfish.
The Lough Swilly anglers took several hundred coalfish to 10lbs, six ling to 10lbs and 500lbs of pollack including Angela's specimen.
One evening, codfish was substituted for coalfish (or hake), roasted and served with a basil sauce and ratatouille garnished with deep-fried leeks.
The flesh of Coalfish (P. virens) is darkly coloured (hence the common name) while that of P. pollachius is similar to other members of the Cod family.
The Sei whale is also called the Sardine whale, the Pollack whale, the Coalfish whale, the Japan Finner, and Rudolphi's Rorqual.
In the past week, John McLaughlin's 'Barracuda', captained by Des Mills, fishing out of Culdaff, Donegal, found large shoals of pollack, coalfish, ling and codling.
As a human food fish, saithe has never been really popular in Britain and therefore its market value has been low.
Even if the saithe has been reared on salmon pellets, I am sure the young 'rain goose' won't mind.
The original name may come from Port Saoithe, meaning "saithe harbour".
Sand Smelt, and young Pollack, and Saithe, are also found depending on the location.
Red-throated divers and shags feed a lot on young saithe and also on sand-eel.
A sizable saithe dangling from its beak indicates another meal for its young up on the hill loch beyond the village.
I'd give me permission for Lynum or Saithe t'join up with the Long Patrol, they're both of a right age.
Maerl is an important nursery area for many species including commercially important ones such as queen scallops, cod, saithe and pollack.
The Saltstraumen is popular with anglers, due to its abundance of fish such as saithe, cod, wolffish, rose fish, and halibut.
Lynum and Saithe, Tammo's elder brother and sister, had sneaked up and grabbed him.
On the rocks beside them lay two or three small codfish, a large flounder, two good-sized lythe, and nearly a dozen saithe.
Sometimes I went trolling for lythe with rubber eels, or fly fishing for saithe and mackerel in the clear water around the rocks.
Saithe gave Tammo's ear an extra tweak as she admonished him: "Colonel wants a word with you, wretch, about his battle-ax!"
These bones were mainly of cod, saithe and ling but herring, haddock and whiting bones were also found.
Species caught in these waters include Cod, Haddock, Saithe, Greenland Halibut and Redfish.
As I mentioned earlier, the saithe or coalfish Gadus virens has long been an important fish in Shetland, the surface-shoaling immatures being utilised by many sea-birds.
In addition to krill, minke whales are known to eat a wide range of fish species including capelin, herring, sand lance, mackerel, gadoids, cod, saithe and haddock.
Coincident with the arrival of the Arctic terns, swarms of young saithe (called sillocks in Shetland), only two or three centimetres in length, appear close inshore.
But now that the North Sea is open too the members of the EEC, the saithe, which is popular especially in France and Germany, is being fished heavily.
In time, as numbers increase, they will naturally spill out into the surrounding sea, so commercially important species such as scallops and hopefully fish stocks like cod and saithe will increase."
Sheep, cattle, pigs and ponies were kept, Atlantic cod, saithe and ling were eaten, and whale and seal bones have also been found along with the remains of a single dog.
German trawlers, however, tended to be more interested in saithe and ocean perch rather than cod, haddock and flatfish; because of this, they tended to stick to oceanic, rather than coastal waters.
Good examples of some success can be seen in stocks such as saithe, North Sea haddock and mackerel, which are fished close to MSY level and which are generally stable and profitable.
In the summer, the coalfish, or saithe, bites, and fresh saithe is often served on the beach, boiled in seawater over an open fire, or fried (typically the smaller coalfish).
Other names for P. pollachius include the Atlantic pollock, European pollock, lieu jaune, and lythe; while P. virens is sometimes known as Boston blues (distinct from bluefish), coalfish (or coley), silver bills or saithe.
Pollachius virens (Saithe)
In the rest of the Norwegian Sea, it is found only during the reproduction season, at the Lofoten Islands, whereas Pollachius virens and haddock spawn in the coastal waters.
Maerl beds act as nursery areas for the juvenile stages of commercial species such as juvenile cod Gadus morhua, saithe Pollachius virens, pollack Pollachius pollachius and juvenile scallops Aequipecten opercularis.
Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
Many of those who fish in Alaska also oppose sablefish farming.
You might get this recipe for steamed sablefish, published in a leading cooking magazine.
But under the name black cod, sablefish's popularity has grown in American restaurants and stores.
Black cod, also known as sablefish, is a North Pacific fish that has long been smoked.
Pacific cod and sablefish are known predators of lumpsuckers.
There also exhibits of Alaska's most important food fish such as salmon, halibut, king crab, and sablefish.
Many deep sea fish are at risk, such as orange roughy, Patagonian toothfish, and sablefish.
Once shad season is over, this dish can be prepared with mackerel, sablefish or halibut.
Longliners commonly target swordfish, tuna, halibut, sablefish and many other species.
Black cod, an unrelated sablefish, and blue cod, a cabezon, add to the general confusion.
NOT long ago it would have seemed surprising that anyone would want to set up ocean farms to raise sablefish.
But there is concern that the same problems attributed to salmon farms - disease, pollution and overproduction - will visit the sablefish fishery.
Salmon, of course, Spanish mackerel, wahoo, sablefish and fish in the jack family like hamachi all come to mind.
"They canceled all orders of sablefish, not just ones from this area," Mr. Ueber said.
Blue cod is also a common name for Anoplopoma fimbria (sablefish) in the UK.
Sole, rockfish and sablefish are the most likely to be accumulating the radioactive materials in their flesh, scientists told The Examiner.
The unrelated sablefish Anoplopoma fimbria is also called "candlefish" in the United Kingdom.
There is no better red wine to drink with fish, especially meaty, rich varieties like salmon, arctic char, tuna and black cod (also called sablefish).
Anoplopomatidae (sablefish and skilfish)
In the Pacific, the sablefish, or blackcod, is fished at depths of up to a mile, and recent research suggests that individuals can live up to 70 years.
Alaska's largest and most valuable fisheries target salmon, pollock, crab, herring, halibut, shrimp, sablefish, and Pacific cod.
As an apex predator, the salmon shark feeds on salmon, and also on squid, sablefish, and herring.
On its circuitous journey uptown, sablefish, the stuff of Jewish delis, has assumed a fashionable new name and been cloaked in elegant new garments.
Studies have recorded high densities of crab, sea stars, sea anemones, sponges, squid, octopus, rockfish, halibut and sablefish.