And spiders can't hide in cobwebbed corners either.
At intervals, however, he paused to step behind open, badly hinged doors or to linger in some cobwebbed corner.
If you can, try to find a shop that doesn't relegate its BMX bicycles to a cobwebbed corner.
Going to a cobwebbed corner, he took down from a high shelf an abdominous jar of uncolored glass filled with a fine grey powder and brought it to the light.
But he hasn't been asked to go deep in "Alfie," to poke about its darker cobwebbed corners.
No wonder; their smart BA uniforms, lantern jaws and modest demeanour were enough to unfurl the flag in the most cobwebbed corner of the female psyche.
He had used many of both and therefore could produce many of the tools from various cobwebbed corners of the service buildings and demonstrate how they were used.
Till then I was as ignorant of it as if it were not stored in some cobwebbed corner of my mind at all.
In a cobwebbed corner of my brain, I was reliving seventh grade one hour a week.
These new documents enable Scheijen to sweep out many cobwebbed corners in the Diaghilev story.