I will take it upon myself to determine if these college-educated people are the sort we want to join our community.
Nordstrom employees tend to be young, often college-educated people looking for a career in retailing.
"But this is the first generation where college-educated people with a good job cannot find financial security."
But though he found an impressive correlation between a city's percentage of college-educated people and growth, he was not completely satisfied.
"You also have young college-educated people who find that the South has lots of economic potential and a lower cost of living."
In many African countries, more than 40 percent of college-educated people emigrate to rich countries.
The murder resulted in media attention on the marijuana trade among young, college-educated people.
The Economy The wages of most college-educated people have failed to keep up with inflation since 1989, two labor economists reported.
Starting in 2001, however, college-educated people stopped gaining ground and even lost some, suggesting that employers increasingly take degrees for granted.
For reasons that are unclear, college-educated people had less heartburn than those who never went to college.