The committee chairwoman, Judith Nicastro, said 1,000 signatures have been collected.
"We realized we had been rather hasty in this matter," said the committee chairwoman, Mary Just Skinner.
Ms. Avital, the committee chairwoman, said: "There was no intentional act to keep people from getting their money.
"It's probably appropriate to name something after him," said Laura Mayer, the committee chairwoman.
"They look like jail cells," said Katharine Roberts, the committee chairwoman.
AND when the vote ended, the committee chairwoman, Mary Pinkett, decided it was time to attack money politics.
I caught a glimpse of the congressional committee chairwoman, up in the special VIP section behind plate glass windows, staring hard at him.
The appointment would be Mrs. Clinton's first as a committee chairwoman.
Legislator Lisanne Altmann, the committee chairwoman, said there were no surprises at the meeting.
The changes could be carried out as early as next fall, said Prof. Elizabeth Warren, the committee chairwoman.