The bribery case brought against Innospec relates to allegations the company bribed officials in order to secure contracts.
Instead of helping investors, diplomats and foreign economists say, Bosnian political leaders allow, and often profit from, corruption, tax evasion, and regulations so burdensome that companies often must bribe officials, or break the law.
After Westinghouse won a contract to build a nuclear power plant in the Philippines, claims arose that the company bribed certain Philippine officials.
The managers had gathered to hash through a federal prosecutor's request for some company documents and quickly realized the records could be used as evidence that the company had been bribing foreign officials.
Among the charges is that the company bribed Government officials to ignore violations of foreign-exchange laws.
The fund argues that the payments may violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which forbids American companies to bribe foreign officials.
Government purchasers in Japan blatantly discriminate against U.S. equipment manufacturers - perhaps because Japanese companies bribe local officials.
A penny stock, though, is no bargain when the company's worthless, so some small companies simply bribe brokers to buy their stocks for clients.
The strike turned ugly, however, with workers' saying the company bribed them to sabotage the union and Overnite officials' saying strikers had fired guns at their trucks.
I would love to have a top rate of income tax of 24% but companies even resent paying this and would bribe politicians to get their way.