Each time, the company certified in writing to state officials that it had repaired the vehicle, Mr. Seymour said.
The company, with offices in Houston, trained and certified more than 2,000 legal nurse consultants last year, twice as many as in 1995.
It points to more than a dozen companies certified to offer service in the region.
The law also requires companies to certify that they do not hold such investments when applying for government contracts, and allows affected businesses to appeal.
The company intends to offer the aircraft first as a kit for amateur construction and may later type certify it.
Only companies certified as 'designated bidders' can bid on government contracts.
But most big companies certified their earnings in time to meet a government deadline.
Recently a company that trains and certifies captains moved into the top floor.
It also requires the companies to certify that they have not hired anyone to obtain inside information for them.
The company must also certify that it has not shared price information with competitors.