The group stayed for hours, comparing observations, discussing recent articles in astronomy magazines, sharing the vicarious excitement of traveling through space.
The expedition, comparing observations from Livingstone's writings, documented significant environmental changes that had occurred over more than a century.
I'd probably interview many of the same people, and it would be instructive to compare their current opinions and observations with those made at the time.
By comparing observations lying closely on either side of the threshold, it is possible to estimate the local Average treatment effect in environments in which randomization was unfeasible.
To identify and understand the biases it is useful to compare observations using probability distribution functions.
It is used by scientists working in physical cosmology to compare observations with theoretical predictions.
By comparing astronomical observations with laboratory measurements, astrochemists can infer the elemental abundances, chemical composition, and temperatures of stars and interstellar clouds.
We will have to compare observations upon the morrow, if you would honor me?
At the end of a week we are to regroup in order that we may compare observations and see if we are perhaps barkin' up the wrong tree.
They began comparing observations, particularly of Pixie's children.