"Their competition will encourage innovation, and then you will have a tail of small firms that do the niche work."
They initially thought that competition from powerful foreign interests would encourage the national bourgeoisie to take an anti-imperialist stand.
The competition encouraged, challenged and rewarded children to write and illustrate their own picture books.
Managed competition would encourage the use of large health maintenance organizations - and force them to compete.
More competition encourages the use of modern, efficient aircraft.
Some journalists were less timorous than previously: competition between channels encouraged 'professionalism'.
Increased competition from local colleges has encouraged the university to greatly improve its marketing strategies, which had previously been deemed unnecessary.
These competitions encourage individuals or teams to accumulate large numbers of species within a specified time or area with special rules.
He said, though, that competition might encourage some utilities to retire their high-cost reactors early.
Moreover, they argue that financial competition encourages the schools to seek out better qualified teachers.