The original concepts for the ride incorporated it into the WRE pavilion, and also featured a backwards segment.
The 90s-themed concept incorporates house music, with "chunky" beats and "twinkly" synths to the original instrumental of the song.
The climate-debt concept incorporates two distinct elements:
The video's concept incorporates various scenes that accentuate different lines from Big Boi's lyrics.
Both different concepts but both effect and incorporate collective self-esteem into our everyday lives.
The concept of magnitude, on the other hand, incorporates distance.
The legal concept of a family in the Philippines does not incorporate homosexual relationships.
The concept of Satan may incorporate elements from older religions than Judaism.
Initial concepts took advantage of the considerable potential for views, and incorporated extensive additional landscaping, from more trees to poppies.
The organising concept of the scheme using the idea of a "tangled vision" incorporates a variety of references including: