The confrontation scene ends ambiguously - it is unclear if Mary is finally killed.
As shown in the confrontation scene between Elizabeth and Beckett, the latter seems to know what had been happening during the year prior to his arrival.
The highlights of the movie have been Amitabh's both character's confrontation scenes.
The confrontation scene proceeds with Roland trying at the last moment to use his sword to defend her from the monks.
A part of Tronen remembered that only an idiot would waste time and give the foe opportunity in a confrontation scene.
The so-called 'confrontation scenes' are of a more legendary nature.
And her big confrontation scene with Mary, in a fitting room in a swanky dress shop, has no electricity.
Family loyalties are tested in great confrontation scenes, while love is discovered in the most unlikely encounters.
Agron was praised for her dramatic acting during the confrontation scene with Quinn's parents in "Ballad".
I hated stuff like this, ugly confrontation scenes, and this was the worst one I'd ever been a part of.