Its main constituent materials are sphagnum moss, cotton grass, deer grass, heather and sedge.
Wet gas is a particularly important concept in the field of flow measurement, as the varying densities of the constituent material present a significant problem.
In materials science, composites of more than one constituent material can be designed to have desired properties.
The estimation of the world, owing to the above, as flawed or a production of "error" but possibly good as its constituent material might allow.
"Belgium" became a mental construct, its principal constituent material being language.
Elastic modulus is a property of the constituent material; stiffness is a property of a structure.
In these systems, strengthening mechanisms do not involve dislocations, but rather consist of modifications to the chemical structure and processing of the constituent material.
After the hard drives have been removed from the computers and destroyed, the constituent raw materials, such as aluminium and steel, are recycled.
The sensor includes indium tin oxide as a constituent material, which Kodak claims leads to low noise, high sensitivity, and wide dynamic range.
Different varieties or forms of alloys can be made from the same constituent materials (substances from which the alloy is formed).