As the evening proceeded and conversation unfolded, Jacob was haunted by a sense of strangeness which he couldn't quite pinpoint.
When confronted by the question of integrity and ethics of the relay on Primetime Sports, the conversation unfolded as follows:
Here is how the conversation unfolded: Governor: I love Eric Clapton.
It s about people and their behavior, and I imagine I ll have more to say about that as this conversation unfolds.
Bud inserted the earpiece, hit Play, and listened in silence for about two minutes as the conversation unfolded.
In the bar down the block, an unlikely conversation unfolds: a money man mocks the money men.
Their conversation, when she realizes he doesn't wish to make a sacrifice for the relationship, unfolds gradually, as Kitty grasps Charlie's true nature.
But Rogers never blinked as the conversation unfolded near him.
And there, for the next six hours, with barely a break to go down to the food court and bring back lunch, the conversation unfolded.
"Real life and real conversation don't actually unfold that way."