The only constraint on its actions is that its leaders may not coordinate with Mr. Schundler's campaign.
As per FEC rules established in the wake of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, the group is legally prohibited from coordinating with the candidate or his campaign.
Though party committees and outside groups can raise and spend money to support Mr. Kerry, most cannot legally coordinate this spending with his campaign.
Under the law, she can make an independent expenditure on her husband's behalf as long as she does not coordinate such an effort with him or his campaign.
Interest groups and political parties can also spend without restriction in this election, as long as their expenditures are not coordinated with a candidate's campaign.
Under the new guidelines, a political party can spend as much as it chooses to advocate the election or defeat of a candidate as long as the expenditure is not coordinated with the candidate's campaign.
Because they may not expressly advocate for specific candidates or coordinate with any candidate's campaign, many 527s are used to raise money to spend on issue advocacy and voter mobilization.
The Mayor's tepid disavowals opened him to the accusation that these statements were coordinated with his campaign.
Mr. Hahn denied that the mailers were coordinated with his campaign, which would have violated election laws.
The complaint, which was eventually dismissed, alleged that VFWF and the other 527s were illegally coordinating their electoral efforts with John Kerry's presidential campaign.