Nevermind was more melodic than its predecessors, but the band refused to employ traditional corporate promotion and marketing mechanisms.
This is the ideal venue for functions such as wedding receptions, business meetings and corporate promotions.
Some academic research indicates that consumers pay far more heed to government-sanctioned labeling than they do to corporate promotion and advertising.
"It made me wonder what was more important to the festival, corporate promotion or creative expression."
"We've got far more than just a gut feel that our sports sponsorship is worthwhile," said William Mergler, Volvo's director of corporate promotion.
Projects like the Petronas exhibition, serving the gods of corporate promotion and education, represent an increasing trend in exhibition design that seems to blur once clearly defined lines.
A preview performance refers to a showing of a movie to a select audience, usually for the purposes of corporate promotions, before the public film premiere itself.
This is the time of the slick spin and the corporate promotion.
Movie star introductions lend the film the feel of a deluxe corporate promotion.
Those disclosures, in turn, have refocused attention on the common practice of reputable German television journalists taking part in paid corporate promotions - and sometimes even advertising.