"They have the capacity to fund and provide for enough prisons and correctional staff to insure the safety and well-being of the citizens of this state."
Due to a shortage of trained correctional staff, officers used a form of social manipulation called the "snitch game" to control uncooperative prisoners.
Most personnel with a provincial institution are correctional staff charged with the care, custody and control of offenders remanded in provincial jails and detention centres.
Relationships also occur between correctional staff and prisoners.
Initially, DMI acted as hired killers for the Black Guerrilla Family, but soon began offering those services to other gangs by targeting rivals and correctional staff.
The union worked closely with state legislators to improve the working conditions for correctional staff across the state.
He attributed the situation to "overworked, tired correctional staff and human error."
The Nassau County Executive, Thomas S. Gulotta, blamed the mistakes on an "overworked, tired correctional staff and human error."
Direct-supervision facilities allow correctional staff to interact directly with inmates within housing units.
They are carried for forced compliance and self-defense by law-enforcement officers, correctional staff, security-industry employees and (less often) military personnel.