They'd backed the mammoth into a corner, where it couldn't easily maneuver.
Neither child, apparently, has any thought of actually visiting the lost paradise, even though both, together with their parents and grandparents, easily could.
I suppose a clever woman easily could, but I am so stupid.
Not easily could such transmutation as I had undergone be explained to my soldiers.
Janet found a fairly comfortable bush, through whose leaves she could easily peep.
If you were trying to train one from scratch and made an error like that it could easily mess up an entire day's work.
The uphill part was seen as an important part of the course where you could easily loose seconds.
She could easily wrench one or both away from him now, but what good would that do her?
Music more than any other art requires so much concentration that one could easily, after creative moments, lose one's mind.
This work could easily, of course, have been done by the other agencies.