Only one independent counsel inquiry involving a cabinet official remains unfinished.
The Secretary still faces a real prospect of an independent counsel inquiry, and a second House committee is likely to pick up where Mr. Burton's panel left off.
A12 Not Seeking Reimbursement President Clinton denied he would ask the government to reimburse him for legal fees arising out of independent counsel inquiries into Whitewater and the Lewinsky scandal.
The total cost of all independent counsel inquiries as of April: $167 million.
She has another recommendation pending for a broad independent counsel inquiry into whether Mr. Clinton violated the law in spending re-election money.
Ms. Martin criticized White House officials for impeding the independent counsel inquiry.
Mr. Clinton gave pardons and commutations to seven men convicted as part of the independent counsel inquiry of Mr. Espy in connection with gifts he was reported to have received.
It said Mr. Meese owed Mr. Wallach $142,000 in legal fees from an earlier independent counsel inquiry.
What he would need in return would be a promise of censure instead of removal, an end to that part of the independent counsel inquiry focused on his offenses, and a guarantee of no criminal indictment.
But the law is inflexible in cases involving high-level officials, and the inquiry raised the possibility that another top Clinton Administration figure could become embroiled in an independent counsel inquiry.