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In August 2012, the county announced that revenues from bond sales would be used to fund the extension.
In September, the county announced a five-point plan for the hospital's fiscal stability based on the recommendations of the consultant's report.
The county announced that it would seek school construction sites elsewhere by December 2012.
Last night, the county announced that it had defaulted on a $110 million issue.
When the county announced the plan in January 1991, the recommendation was met with opposition from a coalition of community and environmental groups.
In the meantime, the county has announced a tax increase for this year of 16 percent.
The merchants were surprised earlier this year when the county announced its plans without consulting them.
He also said the county had reached, but not yet announced, settlements with three other parties, two of them securities firms.
In late 1980s, the county announced that there would be an expansion of the landfill rather than the promised shutdown and recreational facilities.
At the same time, the county announced a new program aimed at helping those who have experienced a significant loss of hearing.