It is important that the California appeals court, and other courts, stand by the basic principle that these suits can go forward.
Yet his court stood there, waiting, to hear what answer he would make to this crude indecency.
Also, the plurality argue that the court will stand as a guard against future expansion.
The emperor and his whole court stood on the shore, expecting the issue of this great adventure.
Prosecutors are renowned for being unwilling to reopen convictions, and the courts have generally stood by them.
In a corner of the court stood a horizontal overhead bar, like a jungle gym, no more than five feet off the ground.
The courts of justice, post office and railway station stood on higher ground slightly to the south.
When it was over he walked back to where the king and his court were standing.
"If there is nothing further, this court will stand adjourned until August 15."
Kirk orders security to "lock him up", and the court stands in recess as the final credits roll.