Among children and seniors the 2010 coverage rate was even higher, at 99.8 percent and 99.6 percent respectively.
Overall, the crèches provided places for 80% of East German children to attend, in several urban regions the coverage rate was 99%.
Premium tax subsidies to help individuals purchase their own health insurance have also been suggested as a way to increase coverage rates.
Lower coverage rates can jeopardize program effectiveness.
At that time coverage rates were low and there was no institutional structure to plan and finance an increase in coverage on the necessary scale.
In hospitals there are varying coverage rates for staff in infectious disease departments.
The coverage rate of digital television increased to 80% of the population.
Work the material into the pores of the surface at the coverage rate specified by the manufacturer.
Thus, Haleakala is a distant fourth in coverage rates.
One of the reasons of the high coverage rates in Chile is the early effort for extending and improving the infrastructure (see below).