The crew recorded numerous hours of unreleased, original material, as well as covers of their influencers' material.
The cast and crew recorded 40 original songs; 33 are featured in the movie.
However, it backfired when Clifford was caught lying, as the crew was still recording his live microphone during a conversation.
The crew has been recording multiple segments of an interview that can be used as separate web content.
The crew recorded speeds of up to 28 knots before they were forced into a complete standstill, scuppering their hopes of breaking the 24-hour distance record.
When the crew recorded musket-fire, a set of microphones were arrayed close to the target (in this case a swine carcass) to record the musket-ball impacts.
On the move, the remaining crew in the support coach will also record the locomotive's performance while operating, including punctuality and fuel efficiency.
The crew recorded their greeting in Russian, English, and Italian while wearing black Gagarin t-shirts.
When all was said and done, the crew had recorded over 200,000 feet of film of which only 10,800 made it into the finished documentary.
The cast and crew recorded a get-well message for Daley, but the author never got the chance to hear it.