They also associated atheists with undesirable attributes such as criminal behavior, rampant materialism, and cultural elitism.
So it's all too easy for worries about America's weight to come off as cultural elitism.
His point about the cheerless cultural elitism of Cameron's conservatives is too important to be attacked so clumsily and glibly.
Subsequently, after much wrangling by politicians over the bogus issue of cultural elitism, the commission was withdrawn.
Opponents of the price-fixing agreement say support for it is a blend of cultural elitism and business pessimism.
They are evident in particular when he alleges cultural elitism.
The scripture is notable for its unalloyed disavowal of the caste system, and of cultural elitism in general.
Packer's musings on liberalism illustrate the kind of cultural elitism that continues to make the term "liberal" a bad word.
He is offended by cultural elitism, the besetting sin of national Democrats.
He calls such criticism "belle-lettristic apartheid, much of it plain old-fashioned cultural elitism," mostly from people who have scant knowledge of popular television.