Companies may try to safeguard customer files, but their employees might release them to a persuasive lawyer, private investigator or government official.
So what if your customer file has a million records... can your computer operator find the right one quickly?
The problem for large companies is that electronic commerce data like product lists, customer files and accounting information are tied up in the mainframe.
The system then allowed or disallowed calls and or features based on its customer file.
I had not backed up this computer in a little too long, and on it were critical customer files for some impending jobs.
She bought the company name, trademarks, customer files and dealer lists.
A salesman might phone the office to pull up a customer file from the computer.
Looking through a company's customer file for a person named Bonds, for example, is fairly simple.
The pharmacy closed in May 2011, with Walgreens acquiring its customer files.
It enhances the quality of the service offered to customers by allowing staff to instantly access customer files and answer questions immediately.