History shows us that the critical decision our Founding Fathers made on July 4, 1776, reverberated around the world in defense of freedom.
The decision, a 6-to-4 vote with conservative Republicans in the majority, reverberated around the country, where other states have faced recent battles between evolution and creationism.
The decision, in addition to being the first of its kind, reverberated here because of the history of the village.
But the decision reverberated far beyond Mr. DiBisceglie and his patrons on the board.
Their decisions and those of other women leaving careers have reverberated beyond their immediate circles.
For now, medical experts said, the nation is poised at a critical moment when a decision on how to proceed can reverberate for years to come.
"And sometimes decisions that are made on the spur of the moment can reverberate with great pain many years in the future."
Similarly, boards need to figure out how their decisions can reverberate through an executive's pension plan.
The decision, though subject to further appeal, reverberates like a bugle call.
And those decisions have often reverberated beyond the state's borders because of the New Jersey Supreme Court's national reputation.