Gemma Hussey, who was a member of the Council of State in 1989-90, described it as "largely a symbolic body".
Aristotle describes a man's ultimate physical beauty as a body capable of enduring all challenges.
The Minneapolis Board of Education describes itself as a "a policy-making body responsible for selecting the superintendent and overseeing the district's budget, curriculum, personnel and facilities."
The motoring correspondent of The Times described the two-seater as "a rakish looking body with two wide cut-away doors with cord-operated locks and pockets.
Abouzeid describes her as just a body showing up for class, not Doze (Abouzeid 6).
Two orbiting bodies are sometimes described as a double body rather than primary and satellite.
In the article he described it as a "definite body" with a "Zeppelin"-like shape and pale green colour, passing from horizon to horizon above the moon.
He describes semiotics as "a sadly pretentious body of theory about language and narrative" - but make no mistake.
In his Timaeus Plato described the universe as a spherical body divided into circles carrying the planets and governed according to harmonic intervals by a world soul.
Described as clean-shaven with black wavy hair and a reasonably well-exercised body.