Like their counterparts in New York, several designers are experimenting with skirt fullness, not always successfully.
Previously only a decorating design, designers have been recently experimenting with toile-patterned apparel as well, although toile-patterned shirts were widely worn in the 1970s.
But each designer experimented with new fabrics and quilted materials to make them look new.
The designers experimented with a crank, but eventually discarded that idea because it seemed too fragile.
The designer also experimented with the colour pallete by using bright hues such as fuchsias & corals.
The designers experimented with new ideas in spatial forms and lighting.
This spring, both designers are experimenting with new directions in their couture collections.
As early as 1912, designers at the British firm Vickers were experimenting with machine gun carrying aircraft.
In the great ebook race, designers are now experimenting with redefining what the book is.