As a gardener develops proficiency, one can branch out to become a connoisseur of the finest flavors.
Following several months of commitment to the instrument, Flea developed proficiency and a strong musical chemistry with Slovak.
It can be used to reinforce cooperation skills and develop proficiency in communications.
This helps children who speak other languages at home to develop proficiency in English early in their development.
The second year of the course consists of electives designed to cater to students' interest and to develop proficiency in the area of their choice.
The goal of the chancellor's proposed modifications, school officials said, is to develop proficiency in English in three years.
Your job should keep you too busy for that, until you develop proficiency.
The language of the school was English, not only to develop proficiency but also to provide a common tongue for pupils from different Nigerian language groups.
Realizing the eventual need to develop proficiency at mass campaigning, Rockwell decided to begin acquiring experience in that direction soon rather than late.
Despite these limitations, Haigh developed great proficiency in the piano, which he learned at home.