The partnership voted to wait another year before making him a partner after Mr. Ciresi apparently disagreed with the approach a partner took toward a case.
While agreeing that action by the Board was needed now, Chairman George Oros, Republican from Cortlandt, disagreed with the approach of the majority.
Gabby disagreed with the approach, and she wanted no part of the conversation, but she listened to it at least.
Wang Yang-Ming disagreed with the approach that Zhu Xi had towards quiet sitting.
Manchester continued, "As you know, I disagree with the entire approach of the Letter of Reprisal.
The goal may be to see if the auditionee is versatile or because the director disagrees with the initial approach used by the auditionee.
We accordingly disagree with the overall approach of the resolution.
We therefore disagree with the economics-based approach, which clearly influences various points of the resolution.
I disagree, in fact, with the approach adopted, which often proves unsuitable for meeting the needs of the African side, including both the institutions and the private sector.
For one thing, there is no hint that she disagrees with the semitough approach to monetary policy now in place.