In the same year, two new optical disc storage formats were being developed.
The PC provides the display, control interface, disc storage, networking and often the electrical power for the acquisition hardware.
The GameCube followed in 2001 and was the first Nintendo console to utilize optical disc storage instead of cartridges.
This means that the only limitation in detail is the type of disc storage available.
The large memory requirements suggest the use of optical disc storage.
There is some debate about just how long these forms of plastic disc storage can last.
The system quickly becomes overloaded with files, no matter what size of disc storage is provided.
Archival optical disc storage is the second most likely storage solution, but that is only so good as the disks, the drives and formats used.
Magneto-optical disc storage is optical disc storage where the magnetic state on a ferromagnetic surface stores information.
Onto disc storage with a backup on molecular wafer.