Once certified, the service grants qualified products to display their logo.
However, he regretted the touch of vanity that had led him to display his personal logo so prominently.
By displaying its attractive logo, customers are reassured when considering a purchase.
The idea of displaying logos rather than hiding them was itself a fashion innovation more than 10 years ago.
A clothing collection launched around this period surprised all by displaying the designer's logo on the garments for the first time.
In August 1998, cigarette makers will be allowed to display only their corporate logo, not brand names, at sporting events.
In 2002, the Storm removed the player's names and displayed Adecco's logo on the back.
It is capable of displaying text messages, animations, logos, scores and statistics.
Territorial graffiti serves as marking ground to display tags and logos that differentiate certain groups from others.
The Cherry Ripe brand continued to display the former company's distinctive logo on its wrapper until 2002.