Al-Sadr's order, to stand down for six months, was distributed to his loyalists following the deaths of more than 50 Shia Muslim pilgrims during fighting in Karbala the day earlier.
Industry executives said that department store retailers were worried that their sales would be undercut if Unilever's other cosmetic lines were distributed in mass-market stores, following the Elizabeth Taylor products.
The 2006-07 Heineken Cup would be distributed to over 100 countries following Pitch International's securing of the rights.
While Lilly gave away millions during his lifetime, on his own or through the Lilly Endowment, the bulk of his wealth was distributed following his death in 1977.
Their self-titled and self-released debut album was distributed by Cordless Recordings in 2007, following another release of the album in 2008 under the Cordless Recordings label.
Leaflets were distributed following the shooting of Thusha Kamaleswaran, a five year-old girl, in Stockwell warning witnesses not to give information to police.
Energy is distributed by demand, following requests transmitted by a network of "camera obscura" terminals which display white letters on a black background
A volunteer stipend of $25 per day may help to offset this cost, which will be distributed following the conclusion of the program.
About 4,800 tonnes of cereal was to be distributed in October as part of the second shipment of food, following the first which was sent prior to Wipha.
Presumably they were still doing without-the gerontologi-cal treatments had been only partially distributed on Earth, following the isobars of money and power, and the Abkhasians had always been poor.