Dandy illegally diverted assets of the company to his personal benefit, and Chatham was forced to file for bankruptcy in 1987.
However, in 1999 Vance sued Mruvka alleging he diverted assets from their production company, the Ministry of Film Inc.
The suit charged that they devised "complex and interrelated schemes to divert assets of Lincoln to their personal benefit, ultimately contributing to Lincoln's insolvency."
Thus, they divert their enterprise proceeds and assets, usually to their own personal uses.
He dishonestly diverted assets and opportunities to his British Virgin Islands company.
"Corporate fiduciaries breach their duty of loyalty when they divert corporate assets, opportunities, or information for personal gain."
The criminal complaint says that Mr. Contogouris, 45, "was diverting assets belonging to the companies to bank accounts controlled by Contogouris."
Shareholders suspect the previous management of diverting assets to companies linked to themselves.
Another accused him of diverting assets from one business to another.
Banks would then divert assets from advances to call money, which would create a shortage of money for advances and drive up their rate of interest.