I think it's true that some doctors lack for patient empathy.
Most doctors lack experience in diagnosing and treating cyclospora, if they have ever heard of it.
The doctors also lack a vital lever of union power.
But doctors lack clues to tell them who these patients are.
Although patients are always encouraged to turn to their physician for sage counsel regarding alternative treatments, most doctors lack the objective information needed to respond.
But there is no proof because the earliest doctors lacked the knowledge and tools.
In the past, doctors lacked a consistent and clear method for diagnosing migraines.
But smaller medical practices have typically been ineligible for such bonuses because the doctors lack the computerized records that help them qualify.
"No evidence was presented by the department" that the doctor lacked the skills to perform these procedures, it found.
Yet, despite the impressive bounds that medical technology has made, doctors have lacked the proper means to count these cells.