You will get hit with a $2 or $3 dollar fee if you use...
When I was working as a valet attendant during college, a lady gave me a twenty dollar bill to pay for the three dollar fee.
He was more successful in his campaign to make all new adult video stores pay a thousand dollar fee to the city.
I" got a twenty-five hundred dollar fee and a five ] thousand bonus.
A dirty shyster," he said, "who would sell out his client for a fifty thousand dollar fee.
Yeamon was right behind us, muttering about the six dollar fee.
Huebel reportedly related "with glee the story of a five hundred dollar fee he received for one important game."
A message saying that there was more in this proposition for me than a fifty-thousand dollar fee?
The prime contractor suggested lowering the compatibility figure-ofmerit; the Institute stiffly offered to return its one dollar fee.
This way you'll save a two dollar fee charged for the in-flight movie.