She was beside herself when her son's principal sent home a newsletter describing February as a dreary month in which there was little to celebrate.
Colin rubbed the fatigue lines which had formed in the long, dreary months since his children died.
The last month seemed longer to him than the four dreary months that had preceded it.
It was a monstrous month, that was for sure; a dire and dreary month.
It was what I had most wanted through all the long dreary months of training.
And all day long during those dreary months I sat alone in that hushed house of death.
After long dreary months of garrison duty, the men were ready for action.
That was the thought that sustained Howard and his company through the long dreary months, now stretching into two years, of training.
It bothered him that all those dreary months you spent at the quarry just to help Don might be in vain.
I spent less than a month on the planet, but it was a dreary month.