Ryan is easily annoyed by his little brother.
Ursula was easily annoyed by the twins' attitude and usually banged their heads together whenever they bothered her.
The instructor was easily annoyed by Nikki's behaviour, leading to the usual tantrums and arguments from her.
He seems to be rather easily annoyed by the lack of wind where he's staying and uses electrical fans often.
Though he's often bored and mellow, Andy is easily annoyed by his younger brother, Kevin.
He is easily annoyed by things, and is a very angry person.
Explainers--I am easily annoyed by people who feel they must explain everything to you.
She is a cheerleader and cares very much for Kanchi but also is easily annoyed by him.
She is easily annoyed by fairies, and distrusts humans, giving them little leeway.
But I am easily annoyed by intrusive beings of unknown origin.
Sploshy is known for her hot-temper and she gets annoyed very easily.
The property of being easily annoyed is called irritability.
Her husband is not allowed to drive, takes a long time to do simple tasks and gets annoyed easily with the children because of the accident.
Easily annoyed - growing old, you know.
The famed psychic investigator was a man who could be easily annoyed.
Kyle seems to get easily annoyed and angered, often stating things that make him mad.
She can have a peevish, critical air and seems easily annoyed.
He had a reputation among undergraduates for a quick temper, a harsh tongue, and being easily annoyed.
She is portrayed as caring little for others, becoming easily annoyed if they seem to be slowing the process of restoring the House.
Eponine has been gone for a month, I've run out of cigarettes, and I'm easily annoyed.