All told," the report said, "Texas is eliminating coverage for between 344,000 and 494,000 children and adults.
The proposal would expand eligibility for Medicaid there while eliminating coverage of some treatments.
Congress must also satisfy itself that the bill's safeguards will discourage employers from eliminating child-inclusive coverage.
Down the road, he worries about cutting costs by eliminating coverage for routine doctors' visits.
After that, such employers will have every fiscal reason to seek to eliminate coverage for their retirees.
To do this, Oregon would have eliminated coverage of certain services medical practice shows to be less effective than others.
To help pay for this change, the state would have eliminated coverage of certain services judged to be less effective or less valuable than others.
Some have eliminated coverage for dependents, while others have canceled their medical plans altogether.
For example, he said, the company eliminated coverage for treatment of alcohol and drug abuse.
Furthermore, the insurance policy contained an escape clause that eliminated coverage for damages due to riot or rebellion.