He was shot 15 March 1938 on charges of involvement in the putative Trotsky conspiracy to eliminate prominent Soviet leaders.
Other senior Indian officials, however, said that intelligence reports showed that Pakistan had intentions of sabotaging the elections, wanting to eliminate not just moderate leaders but their cadres as well.
Increasingly organized efforts by this movement gradually eliminated black leaders from the party.
Some of the violence in KwaZulu/ Natal has been part of a strategy to eliminate political leaders in the hope of undermining the parties.
Why didn't you go the political route, try to change the political structures that led to war, or eliminate certain leaders?
By the nature of things, this probe was led to grapple with the problem of whether covert operations sanctioned to eliminate foreign leaders had been re-targeted against domestic political figures.
On his return he received consular office from the eastern emperor; he subsequently chose Paris as his capital; his last years were spent eliminating rival Frankish leaders.
Wrecks eliminated numerous leaders, among them Richard Petty, Geoff Bodine, Darrell Waltrip, and Cale Yarborough.
Desperate to end the war quickly, the government concocts a plan to eliminate major key leaders of each country.