The Online campus also delivers training through web-driven distance education that emphasizes community and mentoring.
New Haven, a city of 130,000, emphasized community policing, making officers walk the beat on city streets or in housing projects.
Captain Rabadeau said in a phone interview that, like many police directors, she planned to emphasize community policing and better training.
Most days, trainees also direct some of the dozen or so outside volunteers who drop by to help in a program that emphasizes community.
The new force would also change its training and approach, emphasizing human rights and community policing.
This Order, which emphasizes community of property, still functions in the church today.
As a result, culture shifts occurred which emphasize leadership, community and the development of interdisciplinary collaboration.
He understands the day-to-day grind of police work and was on the right track in emphasizing community policing.
The show has a definite narrative personality, featuring photography as documentation to emphasize family and community.
The minyan arranges its space in a circle or semicircle, which emphasizes community rather than a leader.