The employees and staff of Greg Jordan, Inc. mourn the passing of our deeply beloved and highly respected leader.
The 180 employees of the Times mourned the demise of the paper which had been critical of the Estrada administration.
The principals, officers & employees of GVA Williams mourn the untimely passing of our friend and client.
The Officers and employees of TanenbaumHarber Co., Inc. mourn the passing of a loyal employee and friend.
The employees of Glen Oaks Industries mourn the passing of Wilma Askinas.
The employees of the Halpern Organization deeply mourn our leader, our mentor, our mother.
The employees and principal of Mall Properties, Inc. mourn the passing of Max Freid.
The Officers and employees of Adams & Company mourn the passing of our longtime business associate and friend.
The employees of the Colonial Group mourn with sorrow the passing of our founder, leader and good friend, Harvey Kono.
The officers and employees of David Webb, Inc., mourn the loss of Mattie Rosen who was our colleague and friend for more than forty years.