More than 900 employees, visitors and relatives submitted to an initial round of blood tests; a second round will be taken this week.
Fingerprints would help insure that a prospective employee did not submit a false identification.
These employees submit their tax forms to the United Nations.
When an employee submits an idea, the site hunts for key words in its database of suggestions.
This program allows employees to submit ideas about how to save the city money within their departments.
In the bottom-up approach, employees submit proposals to their managers who funnel the best ideas up the ladder.
Another program enables employees to submit expense reports using a company's existing E-mail network.
In order to procure the matching funds, this employee would submit a form to his or her employer's human resources department.
The employee can submit medical claims for him/herself and any of his/her dependents that are defined as:
Some companies also run annual exercises in which employees can submit performance reviews for managers while managers are evaluating them.