Employment in this country fell as companies left for China.
Employment fell from the peak in 1/2008 until 2/2010, then began to increase through early 2013.
Employment fell from 506,000 a decade ago to 375,000 in 1986, and to 297,000 last year.
But over all, manufacturing employment fell by 23.1 percent to 750,000 at the end of 1991.
Employment in the last two decades has fallen to around 150,000 from 450,000.
By this time, employment in the plant had fallen to 2,900 people.
A month ago it was reported that employment in October fell by 68,000.
Since 1979, the industry's employment has fallen to 14,000 people from 26,000.
Employment at the plant has fallen to 2,400, from 3,300, in recent years.
Since the early 1990's, employment at the plant has fallen from 1,250 to 1,100.