This page presents highlights of population, labor force, and occupational and industry employment projections for 2008-2018.
The current 2010-2011 edition was released in December 2009 and includes employment projections for the period 2008-2018.
You can also check out the industry's current employment, number of establishments, salaries by occupation or industry segment, and ten-year employment projections.
Does the Bureau of Labor Statistics have employment projections for specific occupations?
Far from discouraging growth, the draft plan proposes to manage growth on a statewide basis, using the State Labor Department's optimistic population and employment projections.
The Center uses data from federal and state statistical agencies, as well as from private data organizations that provide employment projections, population estimates, and other economic indicators.
BLS also utilizes OES data to make employment projections.
This includes employment levels, unemployment rates, wages and earnings, employment projections, career information, and initial and continued unemployment claim trends.
To receive notification emails when the employment projections and the 2012-13 Handbook are published, go to the BLS news subscriber page.
The current 2006-07 edition was released in December 2005 and includes employment projections for the period 2004-2014.