This gang of four has - Stern's word - an "entrepreneurial" approach to solving the university's problems.
"It's strictly an economic move," he said, "to cut costs and to encourage the entrepreneurial approach."
But even those who remain in academia find themselves adopting a supple and entrepreneurial approach to getting their work done.
Southwest Texas State took an entrepreneurial approach to its program.
So in 1995, the Shetlers decided to try a more entrepreneurial approach.
Meanwhile, for some Manhattan hotels and special transportation services, the strike has brought out a different entrepreneurial approach.
We need an entrepreneurial approach to solving the pressing problems facing public schools tied with increased investment.
It has done this by developing a rigorous entrepreneurial approach while focusing on sustainable jobs, education and training to support society more generally.
And this is only the beginning of Mason City's entrepreneurial approach to its heritage.
"When you look at what Chinese people do abroad, a lot of them open restaurants and that's a very entrepreneurial approach," he says.