Some 500 civilians and 50 sailors will remain to operate four mile-long tracks used for equipment tests.
Carpenter began sea trials and equipment tests on 26 March 1965 before moving out of the shipyard on 1 July.
With that yard work complete on 13 February 1970, the destroyer spent the next three months conducting equipment tests, readiness evaluations, and crew training.
The ship was then put through various equipment tests & training routines throughout the later part of the year.
The flares were deployed outside of the hurricane eyewall, so this was an equipment test rather than a modification experiment.
Supposedly in California for equipment tests, it had been rushed here only twenty hours earlier.
This after Newell had refused a less dangerous equipment test.
In December, he was sanctioned by the international federation for refusing to submit to a routine equipment test.
As a precaution, modern equipment tests and identifies bacteria in milk being processed.
Last month Hujara fined Miller $762 for refusing to submit to a routine equipment test.