Not exactly my idea of an equitable division of risk.
Subsequent legislatures, I hope, will be in a position to redistrict the state properly, and have an equitable division somewhere close to the 419,000 mean".
We fell into an equitable division of the chores without having to make lists.
The report concluded that the percentage of shared residence orders would need to increase in order for more equitable financial divisions to become the norm.
The rolls were needed to assign the allotments and to provide an equitable division of all monies obtained.
Depending on the state, an equitable or equal division of assets is then sought.
There's no society in which there's an equitable division of wealth, culture, transport etc.
I still prefer a peaceful settlement, with an equitable division of the spoils; but if you want war, so be it.
Instead, they are seeking what they consider a more equitable division of the riches universities amassed in recent years.
That's a perfectly fair and equitable division of responsibility.