Robert A. Durst, heir to a real estate fortune, quietly divorced his long-missing wife in 1990 without the knowledge of her grieving family or friends.
Prior to becoming mayor, Macdonald built up and lost a real estate fortune which would have been worth millions in 21st century dollars.
This was the start of the real estate fortune that Schowalter would build over his lifetime.
One who apparently was not was Beverly Paterno, whose husband was the heir to a real estate fortune, calculated at the time as worth 63 million 1941 dollars.
Mrs. Bullitt, who inherited a real estate fortune, was a leading figure in the business and cultural life of Seattle for more than 50 years.
Lawsuits and bills for back taxes are eating at his real estate fortune.
After amassing a real estate fortune, having started with one thousand dollars, Kravinsky gave away virtually all of it to various charities, concentrating on public health organizations.
Mr. Pillay said that the value of his properties was important to him because he wanted to amass a real estate fortune like Donald Trump's.
Kim would prefer to speak about the $330,000 in personal money from his real estate fortune that he has given to developing nations in the name of sport.
(Author note: Observe that although 1982 to 1983 was a particularly brutal recession year, the Trump family's real estate fortune doubles.)