Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
She said ethnic prejudices were once again driving politics here.
With such ideas, people merely show ethnic prejudices of one sort or another.
It built on ethnic prejudices, but had few major successes.
Ethnic prejudice is thought to be widespread throughout the Korean education system.
The Front has steadily increased its support by appealing to ethnic prejudice and fear of crime.
There's plenty of racial and ethnic prejudice here, too.
The history of American immigration policy is full of racism and ethnic prejudice.
So why measure both racial and ethnic prejudice?
David West had no ethnic prejudice and a rare ability to overcome such prejudice in others.
But there is something enduring and pervasive about racism that is not as strong in ethnic prejudices.
This overestimation seems to weaken the resolve of those who might otherwise speak out against ethnic prejudices.
Fashions in ethnic prejudices come and go, depending on who is newest, strangest, poorest.
The appeals judges said such comments could create an impression that "ethnic prejudice somehow had infected the judicial process."
The psychologist Gordon Allport first showed this effect 50 years ago in his studies on ethnic prejudice.
Race and ethnic prejudice have not evaporated.
They say ethnic prejudices run deep.
Happily, the film has other plans for Suzanne, skewering her with her own ethnic prejudices in the process.
Due to their pygmy ancestry, they continue to suffer ethnic prejudice, discrimination, violence, and general exclusion from society.
Racial and ethnic prejudice is notably uncommon and tends to be met with freezing contempt.
Like an Archie Bunker of the 1920's, she peppers her conversation with casual ethnic prejudices.
People are crossing all sorts of ethnic and national boundaries, and business is more important than ethnic prejudices.
Not content with their destruction, the Dotyali people were also subject to ethnic prejudice and frequently excluded from government jobs and offices of state.
Religiously motivated violence continued, although it was often difficult to determine whether xenophobia, religion, or ethnic prejudices were the primary motivation.
The growing consensus from psychological experiments is that racial and ethnic prejudices are an unfortunate byproduct of the way the mind categorizes all experience.