Collins hit the headlines in 2003 when it was revealed that he had set up a bogus offshore account to evade paying tax.
This was in order to evade paying his taxes in Venice.
The purpose was to offset use taxes that consumers evade paying in their home state when making interstate purchases.
An extended assessing time limit removes a potential incentive for taxpayers not to notify liability, and hope they won't be found and evade paying tax.
Argentines are accustomed to buying mostly in cash in large part to evade paying taxes.
The amount the rich evade paying their taxes is seventy times greater than the amount claimed on benefit fraud by the poor.
There was a problem with commuters attempting to evade paying the full fare, with the prior magnetic farecard system.
According to the prosecutor's office these trusts "have been created apparently only to evade paying taxes."
"It was the object of this zero-sum scheme to evade paying millions of dollars of taxes he and his companies should have paid."
Mogi evaded paying 400 million yen (5.2 million US $) in taxes for three years.