At the same time, Democrats say, executive pay has risen to ever-higher levels and Congress has regularly approved pay raises for itself.
The gauntlet took that power, magnified it, returned it to him, and then drew off of the increased amount, recirculating the same energy to ever-higher levels.
Integrating ever-higher levels of renewables is being successfully demonstrated in the real world:
During the 1970s and 1980s, attempts were made by experts to find burrs of an ever-higher level.
Otherwise proud citizens meekly submit to their aesthetic superiors, who introduce them to ever-higher levels of vanity and shallowness.
Over the next several appropriations cycles, MCA was able to recover the lost ground and move the appropriations to ever-higher levels.
With the city still traumatized and Rudy-mania climbing to ever-higher levels, New Yorkers are, at best, ambivalent about this election.
Agriculture was to reach an ever-higher level of collectivisation.
So don't accept current complaints that Christmas has spun out of control and dictates our holiday behavior, driving us to ever-higher levels of spending.
But the fact that consumption has ceased galloping ahead at ever-higher levels has increased the number of years existing supplies will last.